In the world of the raiders, the strong control the weak, and the weak have to fend for themselves. Raiders and Reavers: raiders get through life by stealing from others.Ghouls and super mutants are not usually friendly with each other, but they will unite to advance the cause of mutants. Super mutants were originally human, but they changed when they contracted the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Ghouls are the by-products of radiation, and they have mutated from a human form. Mutants: The Mutant army is composed of two different types of soldiers: ghouls and super mutants.The Brotherhood dedicates itself to restoring old technologies, researching mysterious equipment, and developing new weapons. Although many of the descendents of the original scientists are members of the Brotherhood, the organization also allows outsiders to join its ranks. The Brotherhood of Steel: The Brotherhood is an organization based upon the pre-War scientific community.The mailing address and real name of the winner will be kept private and used only to send the prize.Armies in Fallout: Warfare draw their units from one of five factions. To submit a screen shot, post it publicly on Twitter or Instagram using #FalloutScavver or email the screen shot to j.l.thor (remove spaces) or DM on Twitter NOTE: Submitting a photo means you allow us to share that photo and your online name or Fallout name with the public.

However, the skull inside of the super mutant does not count, as it is not visible. Something that is both a toy and wood, such as a wooden block, may count for both items on the list.

The Fallout Scavenger Hunt is entirely free to play and free to enter. We’ve tried to make it possible to complete our scavenger hunt whether you have Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 or Fallout 76. Instead of finding items in the real world, players will gather them in any Fallout game of their choice. The Fallout Scavenger Hunt is a game withing a game. American writer and high-society hostess Elsa Maxwell is credited with making the game popular in the 1930s and variations – like this one – continue to be played today. Sometimes the game is played in teams, with the winner(s) being those who collect the most items within a time limit, or those who collect all of the items in the fastest time. It’s a game in which players gather items on a list.